Marin County
Veterinary Medical Association
Marin County Veterinary Medical Association is a non-profit group for local veterinarians to seek camaraderie, continuing education and build a rapport within our community and profession.
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Scholarship Applications
The goal of this scholarship is to provide our local veterinary support staff, including Registered Veterinary Technicians as well as Veterinary Assistants currently employed in Marin County, with resources to advance their individual skillset and knowledge.
Funds are expected to be allocated by the recipient for Continued Education, specific skill training, and the pursuance of licensing.
Four $500.00 scholarships will be awarded to applicants who currently work at a veterinary practice in Marin county and demonstrate their commitment to the field and the region.
Additionally, the MCVMA membership dues for the scholarship recipient will be waived for the year received.
Application Due: Tuesday, April 1st, 2025
Completed applications and letters of recommendation can be either
mailed: MCVMA
P.O.Box 2493
Mill Valley, CA 94942
Requirements: Please fill out the application in its entirety. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Professional Camaraderie ~ Continuing Education
Political Action ~ Charity ~ Service