Pet Owners

Helpful Information for Pet Owners

Licensing Your Pet

Licensing your dog is required by law for all dogs over 4 months old living in Marin.

Disaster Preparedness

Pet owners should be prepared to encounter natural disasters.

Helpful Links

Links that provide helpful information for pet owners..

Licensing Your Pet

The Marin Humane Society provides licenses for dogs in Marin County. Licensing your dog is required by law for all dogs over 4 months old living in Marin. The licensing fees produced go to support the animal shelter. A valid license verifies that your dog is vaccinated for Rabies and can help ensure they find their way home to you if they ever go missing. Please visit the Marin Humane Society website for more information.

Woman cuddles with puppy
Click to read Emergency Preparedness for Pet Owners
Click to read California Animal Response Emergency System

Disaster Preparedness

Natural disasters are a part of life and something all pet owners should be prepared to encounter. In the Bay Area we can face a range of natural disasters including earthquakes, wildfires and flooding. Having detailed plans in place and appropriate supplies in the best way to limit the risk of injury to ourselves and our loved ones, including our animal companions. Approximately one out of every three households in California owns a dog or a cat. The California Animal Response Emergency System (CARES) is an operational guidance to assist with all aspects of animal care and control in the event of a disaster or emergency. In addition, CARES provides resources for the public, for animal businesses, for shelters, and for emergency planners.

Please visit the CARES website or download the brochures below for more information and to help better prepare to care for your animals in the event of a natural disaster.

Click to read Emergency Preparedness for Pet Owners
Click to read California Animal Response Emergency System

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